
I just can't anymore.
I'm so confused.
Nothing makes sense.
Every question gets answered with another.
And every answer makes it more confusing then it was before.
And right before I get the answer I want, guess what happens?
It gets snatched, and taken so far away.
It's like I'm working for nothing.
Well why don't I quit?
It's like I can't.
Like my soul, refuses.
I need an answer.
& I need it soon.
I won't stop until I get it.
It haunts me in my dreams and it runs through my mind while I'm awake.
I lose myself in it.
But I love it.
I love the unknown so much.
If I don't know it means I can't get hurt, right?
I mean, what if its a test?
And if I even attempt to give up, I fail.
It's a constant struggle.
This battle within myself.
And the battleground is my heart.
All the bloodshed.
It's taken such a toll.
I feel so used.
It's psychologically scary.
And that's the worst kind.
What have I gotten myself into?