japan song


once apon a time in an island nation there was a town were the people that were known as "japanese" they lived in harmony and made music had odd fasion they had peaceful lives ... but unbenownst to them of the tradgedy growing beneath in world of death ... then one day... death had his wish granted .... his most fond wish ....
rolling over mountains
and charging through your homes
just waiting for the day when they can rome alone
jumping up behind you his hooded black cloke
to take you to the place that he calls his own
now everybody dances the dance that is death
the dance that is death.

in time there were people who were noticing the strange hooded man ... but nobody would believe them they kept screaming and shouting .... by chance they were able to scare the hooded man off .... to the place were all people live 6 feet under.... death had drawn them to him ... they couldnt help it ... their legs moved on their own ... he needed power to fuel the castrophany that would be so immense ... all you would hear durin the nights was the singing of the little girl that death chose .... hand picked from billions of people she alone had the streangth to stand up to him sohe took her power.... meanwhile the japanese people could not sleep they had this sudden urge to run ... their dreams invaded by the shadowy dark figure that is death ... they felt him nawing on their hearts .. every day the people would wake to the sound of crying and screaming "KOKORO KKOOOOKKKOOORROOOO" as if they were mindless zombies that had their heart stolen.... as more of the strange occurences happened ... noises .... like the crumbling of rock .... and screams .... for the first time the japanese felt sad for they knew that something .... terrible .... was about to happen......and then came a sound ...... like no other ...... distant but growing ..... just as planned it was castrophany so immense that it could be heard in the ears of the gods .... there was no time nor screams nor words spoken ..... there was only death ..... and then nothing .....
the little girl named noodle who stood up to the man
she cried and tried to hide she knew it would have been
the end of her days
the end of her days
our hearts are with you japan
i do not own fire coming out of the monkeys head that belongs to the greatest band ever gorillaz this is fan based for the japanese people who are suffering :(
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