The Tilly Monster

The Tilly Monster is a horrifying beast
On Clean Cut flesh is desires to feast.

In search of his food
He's lived here for years
He does no drink water
Just your painful hot tears

If you are alone
Things wont be alright
Say goodbye to your life
For it's your last night.

His calling card is
The sound of knives on glass
The way he gets you is
With his black poisonous gas.

Don't breathe it in
Or else he will
Drag you to his cave
Where he'll go for the kill

High in a mountain cave he dwells
The sent of rotting flesh is what he smells

If you are unfortunate enough
to awake before Death
You'd wish it was time
To take your last breath

You're thrown to the ground
With corpses all around
You try to scream
But there is no sound

Frozen with fear
You try to stand
But the ground is different
From other land

You see nothing but red
Your standing in the middle of it
For it is blood
And your mind thinks this is it.

When it comes back
For it's freshly hunted meal
You stare into it's eyes
your fate is sealed

He'll start at your chest
And slowly peel off your skin
You scream in terror
as he bits off you shin

You may scream
you may shout
You might even cry
or yell or pout

And there you will lie
ready to die
There is only one question

The creature leaves
But will soon return
For your chewy insides
Is what it yearns

The creature come back
And starts to speak
While you just sit there
Bleeding and weak

"don't try to move
don't try to walk
Look your pathetic
You cant even talk"

(1) "don't worry or fret
Just sit and relax
Ill come back to finish...
Goodbye Max"

(2)"what choices do you have?
you don't have any
I'll be the last to say...
Goodnight Jenny"

(3)" you fell right onto my trap,
Your not very clever,
But anyway it's time to die,
Little Trevor"

Now if you hear footsteps
In the middle of the night
Don't you dare go outside
Or you will be in true fright

Watch out for his claws
as they slice and smack
To bad now one knows that
You wont come back

For whatever reason
Or whatever you hear
Don t answer the door

He knows that you are here...