
Deep silence engulfs me... I am suddenly surrounded in anger and hate. Deep, Dark HATE.
What did i do to deserve this? is love a crime? What about caring? I'm simply a young girl that's weak and harmless. Yes... Harmless...
I remember it because it happened not that long ago... days to be exact. I remember the rush of adrenalin to my head and the cool feeling, to be dripping in blood.
Have you ever felt like you were about to snap? like you were about to become something that your not. I have... And i DID...
It all happened so fast... Death comes quickly, and you can never expect it. Unless you truly OWN your life.
Poor James Kozachenko... He deserved it. Who would've thought that an innocent little girl could cut his life off. That's what happens when you mess with MY emotions.
of course... he was not the only one. And i made sure of it. There are a few more, that will soon pay.
the ones who have played with my emotions are terrible beings, are most of them are gone... lost for this time...
No one will ever know... and i'll never get caught. I'm just a little, weak, girl that is completely...