Never Again.

I want to tell others how I feel but there's no one to tell.
Please say I'm not alone
I want to be with others
I want to be loved
But I don't know if I can tell people that.
I am really delicate but I won't let anyone hurt me
Not again
I was hurt once but never again
So I will separate and isolate myself from others
So I won't be hurt
And I will make sure not to hurt others mentally
Because that is a pain no one should go through
And I will make sure I am not hurt again
So I will shut myself from the world.
I know it's cowardly
But my greatest fear is loosing what I care for the most
And I already did.
Never again will I be happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
It just happened to me soooo ya, i just feal really alone