Loveless Yet

The love who lies with swollen eyes,
Whose sides collapse with bitter cries,
Whose harmful touch grows cold as ice,
This love is less than lovely.

A look, they say, it’s in the eyes.
It’s in the dark that gasps for light,
Or in the light that’s learned to hide,
A look, they say can take you.

The love who lies cannot survive,
For things untold are dead alive,
For things that hide are yours not mine,
This love is less than lovely.

A touch, they say, the burning cold,
Makes rough seem sweet and tender bold,
Cause momentary total hold,
A touch, they say, can break you.

The love yet flies in moonlit skies,
Though wings collapse the heart may rise,
Convince me yet to pay the price,
This love could yet be lovely.
♠ ♠ ♠
I honestly don't know how I came up with this, but I love how it flows.