Bullets in, Hearts out

we'll write your name
on the bullet
and pull the triger
bullets in hearts out
bleeding on the floor
we'll die empty
while you feel our pain
they'll find us
bullets in hearts
blood on the floors
guns in hand

with your name on the bullets
we will die with no heart
bullets in hearts out
bleeding on the floor
we'll die empty
with nothing left
but your name on our bullets
an our bullets in our hearts
you'll feel out pain
you took for granted
what we gave
so this is what you get
white capets now red with blood
we're dead an you're filled with pain
bullets in hearts out
bleeding on the floor
we'll die empty
with no regreats
just hate

we hope your happy
with the pain you caused

with bullets in our hearts
we cry out
releaving the pain you gave us
while you suffer
bullets in, hearts out
bleeding on the floor
we'll die empty
♠ ♠ ♠
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