Unspoken Crimes

Lost wishes
Nightmarish kisses
A shadow leaves
At the feet of
Her ignorant soul

Dark cloudy skies
Betrayed goodbyes
She now only believes
In hearts black like coal

The monster inhales
Burning all veils
That chase away darkness
And embraces
Her treacherous heart

The void awaits
Bright open gates
Welcoming blackness
She no longer wants
To tear apart

She caused her own fall
Trusted them all
Unable to bear
The face they hid
Behind the mask

Desperate cries
Forever cut ties
Yet refuses to care
For those whose love disappears Before dusk

Crowns made of glass
Kings made of ash
It was foolish to think
They could show her the way

She let go of that hand
Left that castle of sand
Used her blood as her ink
Painted red all those doubts and washed them away

Steps tainted black
She regrets coming back
Walking once more
To these roads that
Her guilt sets aflame

Invisible chains
Yet two wrists full of stains
It's deep down in her core
That she knows she's to blame

Though she can't find the light
In the dawn of the night
There are times
She wants to start anew

But that voice of the past
Speaks of hope that won't last
And those unspoken crimes of the heart she once thought that she knew