Broken but Alive

I scream so I know I'm alive
the wind carrying my pain
across the sky.

I cry so I know I can feel
the ground taking my pain.

I whisper in the dark
so I know I'm safe.

I sing
so that I know that
I'm still ok.

I'm broken but alive.
I'm sad but alive.
I'm alone but alive.

You can't kill me that

I'm broken but strong.
I'm broken but alive.

I scream to the sky
hoping you hear
the pain filled whispers.

I cry to the ground
so you'll maybe
one day drown in tears.

I whisper in the dark
so you know I'm alive.

I sing so you know
I'm healing without you
beside me.

I'm broken but alive.
I'm screaming...
I'm crying...
I'm whispering....
I'm singing.....

But boy you better
believe that
I'm alive.

I'm broken but alive.