Worth It

Flashes of colour scrolling across the screen
I can’t decide what to bless with my sophisticated gaze
Law & Order, NCIS, Glee, Home Improvement
So many choices flicking on by
Dozens of reruns, several newscasts
But I don’t want to stop and hear all the bad crap
So I keep clicking through, channel to channel
Hannah Montana, True Blood, Arrested Development
Why can’t they give me something worth watching?
I don’t want to watch Big Brother
Reality TV is so not my thing
If I wanted to watch regular people
I’d go to the local coffee shop and stare
In my black outfit at all the drinkers there
Flip, flip, flip, Fairly Oddparents, something in French
Surfing and surfing, cycling back through
Oh look, a Castle episode is on!
Ugh, I’ve seen this one seven times already
Keep flipping, keep switching
It’s infuriating, how there’s nothing on worth my attention
Feel like storming away in pure disgust
So I do, and turn the damn thing off
Not a single decent show to watch
I collapse on my bed and grab my favourite book
It’s time for Harry Potter and I
To have some quality bonding time