
He left me,
In the dust.
In the blistering heat,
He went away,
Stranding me.

My heart is torn,
My soul,
Shattered and destroyed.

All I can think of,
Is our time togather.
The walks,
The talks,
The moments we shared.

Now their dead,
Gone forever.
Ill never,
Feel that happiness again.

I lay here,
Im drowning,
In tears.
I cant breath,
The salty water is engulfing me.
Im smothered,
By stinging liquid.

I struggle,
To resurface.
To get fresh air,
To live.

I soon,
I abandon,
All hope.
So I stop,
I stop,
Trying to survive.

I sink further and further,
Into darkness.
Leaving my world behind,
Leaving everything.

No one will miss me,
No one will care.

My body goes numb,
I loose all feeling.
This it,
It’s the end.

I open my eyes,
Once more.
And I see,
A pale light.
Its pretty,
But its much too far away.

It gets closer,
And gets brighter.
Its almost blinding.
I close my eyes,
They burn from seeing the luminous light.

Eyes closed tightly,
I feel light,
And warm.
A breeze blows,
Inviting me to open my eyes.

I open them,
Blinded by light at first.
Then I adjust,
And see.

I look up,
And see a bright blue sky.
I see clouds,
White and fluffy.
I see children,
And laughing.
I see,
My friends,
Standing over me.

I feel,
The soft grass under me.
I feel the cool whispers,
Of the wind.
I feel the light heat,
Radiating off my face.
I feel my friends,
Holding my hand.

My heart,
Is whole again.
My lungs,
Have stopped swelling.
My soul,
Pieced togather again.

I wonder,
How this could have happened.
I look up to my friends,
And they smile down at me.
They help me up,
Brush me off.

Then we slowly but surly,
Walk away.
We walk away,
From the black abyss that kept me prisoner.
We walk away,
Arm in arm,
Finally happy again.