
She walks,
People pass her by,
She thinks she goes unnoticed.

She’s a Grey blob,
In the middle of a colorful crud.
She’s different,

She dozen’t wear,
Name brands.
She’s not a cheerleader,
She dozen’t play sports.
She doesn't wear pink and yellow,
she wears jeans and hoodies.

Her makeup ,
Is dark and heavy.
She don’t use,
Her hair,
Is long and plain.
Her eyes,
Brown and boring.
Her nails,
Chipped and black.
Her body,
Bigger than a tooth pick,
Too big.

She thinks,
Of herself as nothing.
But she’s wrong,
She has no idea.
She’s everything to me.

Her hair,
Is long and beautiful.
Her makeup,
Is unique.
Her eyes,
Are deep and mystical.
Her nails,
Are perfectly imperfect.
Her body,
Is curvy,
She isn’t nothing,
She’s much more.

She’s kind,
And understanding.
She doesn’t judge,
She isn’t cruel.
She loves everything,
She never,
Put herself first.
She always,
Thinks of others.

She isn’t alone,
She has me.
And she has,
Her friends.
They love her,
With all their heart.
And they would never,
Replace her.
She’s loved,
And cherished.
She just,
Doesn’t know it.