The Little Girl Ray

There once was a girl,
Her name was Ray.
She had so much pain,
She just couldn't get away.
The other kids taunted and teased.
She ran but they always caught up.
Those bruises from the rocks they threw.
The bruises those kids couldn't see,
On that little girl Ray's heart.
Then there came a boy
He told her his name was Jay,
Jay told Ray that he would protect her.
Ray believed Jay...
As time passed and they got older,
Ray started liking other guys,
Jay loved Ray like not just a friend.
Jay told Ray this Ray laughed in his face
Now the boy Jay had so much pain
He went home with new hidden bruises
Caused by the only one he loved.
When she called, he ignored it
He was planning that night to be his last.
But he heard a nock at the window
It was Ray
She told him she laughed because
Thats how she felt since they met.
He didn't understand.
She was scared he didn't feel the same way.
From that point on they were lovers and protectors of each other.
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Please comment forgot my password and finally remembered it so haven't been on :)