
Writing is a talent, something you’re good at
Or something you’re not
But you can get better, with practice
Reading also is a talent, one that I possess, in fact
And it’s very useful, all the time
But there’s one thing I wish I could do
I wish I could be artistic
Not in the written-word sense
In the colour and painting, sculpting sense
I wish that with a few brushstrokes
I could create anything
A mountain range dusted with snow
A portrait where the eyes aren’t too big
A deer as it cranes its neck to the heavens
I want to create something
Pottery that doesn’t look like shit
Photographs with perfect design
But I can’t, I can hardly draw a straight line
I can’t draw a circle, portraits are impossible
I’m hopeless with art, but I wish I wasn’t
I’m crappy at Math, too, but I hate Math
I like creation, I like creating
I’m just not gifted or talented at it