Two days in Hell...

My heart has been stabbed, ripped out, and stepped on
I still can't believe that you're gone

You talk to me as if it's all okay
But, in my mind you always stay

Your image is tearing my thoughts, emotions, and feelings apart
I should've seen this coming from the start

I cry when I think of you and her
It won't take long until I see a new signature

I have such fear, paranoia, and anxiety it all
I just want to fall

Fall, until I hit the ground
I wonder what the splatter would make in terms of sound

I want death more than anything
I hate hearing the songs you sing

Everything's fine as long as you're happy, right?
My future, which involved you for the longest time, is no longer looking bright

Maybe the bus will hit me on day
That's my biggest wish as of today

I hope you're happy, we were just fine
I still don't get why it had to happen at the worst time

School has me wound up enough, I'm oh so nervous, this I can not bear
I'm starting to sleep with my teddy bear

The progress I've made in the last few months, has stopped on that horrible date
I'm going backwards at a dangerous rate

I can't sleep,
I don't feel like doing anything,
I'm constantly sad,
Tears always leave my eyes,
Something is squeezing my heart so tight,
I don't care what I look like,
If it was up to me I would never leave my bed,
I live in silence,
I hate company,
I feel like I leech onto everyone I text,
I don't take care of myself,
I've eaten once in the last two days,
My stomach is full of pains,
I'm going insane!

Help would be nice, but no one can save my soul,
I'm lost, this break up is really taking its toll.

Save me...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's only been two days but, this is how I truly feel