This Little Girl

This little girl with an cheerful smile
Who's always trying to cheer you up,
Is herself in quite a denial
About this messy pile of muck.

She's always holding back the tears,
She's always laughing that crazy laugh.
She's always trying to forget those years,
And she's realized that she's been cut in half.

This hyper girl is just a fake,
This hyper girl has quite a past.
The old real girl was drowned in the lake,
And now one of the new ones is drying to drag her back.

This little girl with all the scars
Is trying to make you smile.
It doesn't matter if she shattered her heart,
She'll make you happy, if only for a while.

This little girl with a suicide plan
Is not the fake or attention freak you think.
From these voices she's ran and ran,
But now she's down to her last link.