The twisted night

The lights have dimmed
my heart hangs low
it seems so easy to just give in.

The sun has fallen below the horizon
time moves slower now
as I wait for the light of day.

The darkness creeps in
the voice of madness settles down
inside my twisted mind.

My heart beats faster
the only part of me
who truly wants to succede.

The creatures of the night come first
the twisted creatures who like to whisper
whisper terrible dark things

My mind listens to there whispers
listens very close as what they start to say
seems to make sense in my quiet minds eye.

Night moves on as I continue to walk
listening to madness and insanity
my heart glowing fiercly.

Then they are gone,
as quickly as they came
leaving me trembling.

The demons of the night come second,
the horrific figures like to scream
and tear at my fragile heart.

My heart tries to resist,
but there lure and touch
seems so grand that my heart gives in.

Then they are gone
leaving as there howls fill the night air,
there smell seems to linger there.

Then the angels of the night come third,
millions of them appear
shining a tiny glow in the night sky.

There light has the power to soothe
calming your twisted troubled mind
touching your heart telling it that waiting is best.

My mind and heart try to resist
thinking that they cannot survive another twisted night
but the angels bless me with a smile
a smile that tells me the light is not so far away.