Cross Dresser

I'm a cross dresser,
Aint no skanky ass messer.
I'm a girl, but dress guy like,
Don't get me wrong, I aint no dyke.

Baggy pants are my swag,
When mom sees, she just wants to gag.
Hair tied up, shirt tucked in,
Mom swears I'm not her kin.

I don't see the problem,
I don't look like no goblin.
Am I a dissapointment?
You can't fix me with no ointment.

Mommy why don't you accept me?
I've never gotten a 'D'.
I've never been arrested,
It's just the way I've dressted.

It really hurts you know,
To know your own
mother doesn't love you
for you.

But of course this smile,
Is on for a while.
And of course this mask,
Keeps me from the alcohal filled flask.

Thanks Mom.
You hit me like a bomb.
I love you too,
I'lll never miss you..