Reasons why Love and Life should get married.

Why do we always hurt the ones we love the most? It seems as though all we ever do is let everyone else down. When did this world become so corrupt? Why is it that the ones we care about the most hurt us the most? Why does Love have to be such a bitch? When we think we've found the perfect person it just turns out that they are just another stone to put in the wall that we build around our hearts to hide the pain. When we fall we all expect to be caught but feel as if no one remembers that they said that they would be there for you no matter what. But are they always there? I think not. All those people around you giving you promises are just full of empty promises who don't think before they act. It always seems as though all of your friends leave you to sit on your own during your times of most need. The only way to figure out who your true friends are is to see if they stick around when you need them the most. Life is also a bitch, she loves to give you problems to see how you react. Sometimes I feel as if she is just doing it for her own frikken' amusement. So as my good friend always says and I quote "When Life give you lemons squirt them in Life's eyes, or make grape juice and make everyone wonder how you did it."(quote is property of Alyssa Blue)I think that Life and Love were a match made in hell to bring good, suffering, devastation, joy, and many other things to those deserving it the most. All thats left to say is to live life to the fullest and don't ever try to fight with Life you might get an ear-full from Love.