
Desire, a fiery passion, a blazing impulse
Robert Frost, I think, wrote about it best
‘Fire and Ice’ was the piece, and quite true
I’ve memorized it, see, it’s a favourite
“From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire”
And it’s true, for fire and desire
Often go hand in hand, they’re alike
It’s wonderful while you’ve got it
Depressing when you’ve lost it
And utter humiliating when your
Boy’s got it, but not for you
It’ll destroy the world, indeed
Desire for success, money, glory
All coincide with greed
Desire for love and sex and flings
All go together with lust
You can desire what your neighbour has
And that is called envy
You can desire everything you do not need
Alias known as gluttony
You might desire to do nothing at all
But people frown on sloth
Desire to be the best and never embarrassed
That could only be pride
Desire to avenge all the wrong-doings
Worst of all, that’s wrath
Desire is easily linked to the most
Deadly group of them all
But I like playing with fire
And I like the seven deadly sins
So I have no problem whatsoever
About holding with desire