
I sang a sad song
Voice high and off key
The wind blew and into my eyes,
But once opened, I could see

I hope you aren't hoping
For a faith that isn't there
An imposter in this crowd
I feel it when they stare

Too much wonder,
Not enough know
Too much tell
Not enough show

Open hands to the sky
Catch the rain on your palms
Lay naked in the waves
Feel the motion, feel the calm

Let the water swallow you,
but soon you'll need to breathe
Your head will break the surface,
and soon enough you'll see

Let the sun fill your eyes
Let the music in your ears
The beat matches your heart
And I can hear the fear

Too much wonder,
Not enough know
Too much tell
Not enough show

I write a clumsy poem,
words scrawled across a page
I hate how we're always trying,
but nothing feels the change.