
She's the person who dwells in my head
She's the insatiable fire that must be fed
She's the killer that sees through my eyes
I'm mere the mouthpiece for her spite and lies.

There's no refusing this girl's icy hold
Her words are kind, though her voice is cold
Truly, deep down I've a horrible obsession
With the shadow that uses me as just a possession.

My shackles are the whispers, the nothings she speaks
So easy to break, and yet I'm too weak
She taunts me, mocks me, never to cease
Her words tear at my sanity, piece by piece.

Her eyes stare back when I look at my reflection
It's her smile, her countenance, she's my every perfection
Now abruptly I realize, the girl is me…
The enslaver of my mind is me, forever free.