
Such a curious word, need
It’s often misused and ill-treated
I need that new pair of heels
That new hairstyle
Those breakthrough fat-loss pills
But it’s all a lie, those aren’t your needs
Water is the first of all needs
Followed closely by food and sustenance
Then you get into clothes
To keep you warm on cold night
And shelter to keep Mother Nature
From making rain seep into your skin
You could stretch it to say that you need
Absolutely need to have a companion
But it’s not always true, no sir
There are hermits and cat ladies
And basement dwellers, assholes
You don’t need love either
Contrary to highly popular belief
One can live a long time without love
Without disappointment and co-dependence
Without someone else around
See, need is often used as want
And that just won’t do
Because need is so much stronger
So much more resilient than want
As I’ve stated before if you know me well
All you want is not what you need