Seperate Souls

This is the story
Of three best friends
Who would stick together
Until the end

Yet someday, somehow
They were pushed apart
And now all it is
Is three seperate souls

Three souls, fighting for reason
Reasons for why
Why had this happened
Why they had been pushed apart

Why had she pushed her away
Why did she leave her, when she most needed her
Why had the inseperables, seperated

Someday, somehow
They were pushed apart
And now all it is
Is three seperate souls

This is the story of three great souls
Who found comfort in each other
Who found the help they needed
When they needed it

Yet someday, somehow
They were pushed apart
And now all it is
Is three seperate souls

It was three seperate souls
One feeling stranded
Alone in the middle
Of an uncertain world

Uncertain of where
Where she should be

Someday, somehow
The inseperables, seperated
The thought devasted them all
Because they were then
All confronted with the why's

Why had this happened
Why had we been pushed apart
Why had we pushed each other away

Why did we leave each other
When we most needed the love
The others could give

Why had we not been able to talk
About the things that hurt us most

Someday, somehow,
They were pushed apart
And now all it is
Is three seperate souls