
You've done drugs before and decided to do them once more.
A tolerance had grown but faded away little did you know this would be your last day.
You shoot up the drugs and pop the pills
Everything is fine.
Until God came down and said "Dear Child you are MINE"
HE wrapped you in his arms and cradled you close.
He took you to heaven to meet the Holy Ghost.
You are safe now dear child, flying high.
No more worries to burden you my dear.
I see RIP written everywhere I go and I think of
that awful accident. Suicide such a strong word, but no.
I don't believe you meant to take your life.
For you had so much going for you.
I didn't really know you, but I love you.
God has bigger and better things in store.
When I get to heaven would you meet me at the door?
i've done some terrible things and I don't think I should be allowed in.
Although, I ask God to forgive me of my sins.
Jesus gave his life for us so that we could survive.
We survive in heaven with eternal life.
Will you tell my parents I love and miss them and will be with them soon?
Will you be my guardian angel?
Watch over me and lead me right.
Your beautiful in that white gown and golden halo, Your crown.
God loves you and that's why he took your life.
You were the chosen one.
I love you and goodbye.