Don't Ever Change

I can run and play all day…
You can’t do much of anything.
I can go out and be with my friends…
Your friends are nothing more than stuffed animals.
I have more freedom then you will ever have…
Yours is limited day-by-day.

People pity you when they see you.
People pity me , too.
You don’t have a care in the world…
I worry about everything.
You are blind to their snide remarks-
I wonder if you’ll truly understand.

You scream and say you hate me.
I hate you too sometimes.
You blame me for everything…
I wish I could do the same.
You might be a pain,
But you’re my brother.
I will always love you.

You never chose this life.
I know you don’t truly understand.
You are special and wonderful.
No one will ever be like you.
You are my brother…
I will always love you.
To me you are not defined by your disability.