
Follow their rules,
Do as you're told.
Be a mindless zombie,
It's what they want.
Take the pills
And your pain will go away.
Don't question,
Just do as you're told.
Do they even know your pain?
No, they don't.
So why listen?
Because it's what they want.
One little pill
Is your supposed escape,
But it'll never go away.
You'll always be "crazy",
You'll never fit in,
No one will ever understand
Just what you go through.
So take that bottle,
Empty it out.
Do what you want with your life,
Let yourself decide for once.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I'm on medication for depression, and this poem is how I feel a lot, but this is in no way encouraging anyone to stop taking their meds because it can actually be potentially dangerous to yourself and others if you just stop. THATISALL.