My Apologies

people say holding on is what makes you stronger, but sometimes it's letting go.

The people who really care won't hurt you, but if they do, you'll see it in their eyes, for they'll be hurting too.

Our lives are shaped by those who love us and refuse to love us.

I don't try to be candy coated. I don't try to walk on eggshells. I am what I am. Love me or hate me do what you will.

no matter what you say , no matter what you do, your the best friend I had and you will always have a place in my heart.

we get on eachother's nerves, kill each other with our angerand words but yet keep thinking about eachother and the past with teary eyes.

I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I need, I fear, I cry, and I know you do the same things too, so we're really not that different me and you.

Look at me. You may think you see who I really am, but you'll never know me.

we have alot of similarities, yet in many ways we differ. life is tragic and painful but at least the pain we share is common?

talking about it helps thats wat i was told but every time we talk it keeps getting worse.