Dreams are Reality for the Insane Mind

I’m drowning!
They pull me deep into the pools of blood….who r they?
The arms are ripping into my flesh.
My white dress is stained….with humanity.
I cry but no one sees
I scream but know one hears
That doesn’t mean I’m dead
But who said I’m alive
I’m trying to break free from their grip
I’m in shackles of their dead bones
The only word I think of.
I’m going to suffocate
I can’t breathe anymore
They are staring at me and I’m falling down chained and tied
They separated me from everything I know
Everything I am
Who will I be when I’m not who I am, what I know
Somebody, anybody…..are you out there
I hear your voice….where am I now
I’m shaking, gasping for air….I’m alive?
Of course I am….it was only a dream
Where do I dream?
What is my sanity coming too?
I won’t know until it happens again.
Pain is not peaceful
I lie my head down on the pillow and close my eyes.