Emotions in Everything

That feeling inside…which one?
There are many of them.
Rushing like the sea.
Swirling and splashing around.

The sadness is the rain falling on your face
Thinking of all the things that make you unhappy

The anger is the lava spewing up out of the mouth of the earth
The heat, the color, the words

The happiness is the coloring with crayons
Looking at the beauty as you pull the color on the paper and thinking of how you contain joy inside of something so little

It’s the way you feel when someone’s hand fits perfectly in yours and you know there is always room in your heart for more but you have everything

Surprise is learning something new each day and
Amazement it watching a baby bird fly for the first time and feeling like you can fly too.

You can feel one or all of these things in a day or in a minute or a second
But Emotions last from now to a lifetime.