Heart ache

My heart ache,
when thinking of you.
Knowing that, you, any girl will take,
Even though my passion for you is true.
All my happiness and laughs are fake;
I made myself believe even though I knew.
I knew that by loving I put my heart at stake.
I used to wake up early to watch the flowers enjoying their dew,
but now with all the problems we had to bake,
my tears are far from being few.
Sweetie all I wanted was to walk with you by the lake,
or sail on a boat with no one around, not even the crew.
I gave up all my dreams for your sake,
your heart and mine I thought I could lovingly sew.
Now it seems like your love is something I’d never take,
How can I get a renew?
Or a heart that won’t break?
Since I know I won’t have a life remake,
I'll live all my life for you.
Friendship with you is what I’m intending to make.