Musings of a Hidden Girl

Believable lies and
Impossible truths.
I put myself out there,
The mask wrapped around only
My deepest secret,
But yet People can't find me.
They look and see
what they want to,
Not what is there.
Why must life confound me
When in reality it is so simple.
Of course, reality
Is not real,
But a dream of hidden corners
Projected into light.
Darkness swirls in
Bright shapes
Reflecting off a mirror,
A mirror in the dark.
So really darkness is
Made of light
Seen in reverse.
Starry skies entrance me
With their timeless dance
As shards of glass
Edged in blood
Shine in the light of the moon.
Have you ever considered pain?
We associate it with dark,
But it illuminates everything
So clearly,
Like silver rain falling
Into laughing streams.