Merry-Go-Round, Merry-Go-Round

Merry-go-round, round and round,
again and again, always the same,
up and down, round and round
thats what the merry-go-round does.

Round and round, merry-go-round,
let me sit on your fine horses,
let me sit in your carriage,
ill let you take the reigns,
round and round i'll go.

Merry-go-round, round and round,
eat all my coins, so i never stop,
never stop, even when the sun goes down,
ill sit here on my merry-go-round.

Oh merry-go-round, oh merry-go-round,
why have you suddenly stopped?
are you tired of my company?
just me and no one else?
Round and round no more you go.

Have you eaten you fill of my coins,
are you moving on to someone else?
The next person in line,
with a pocket filled with coins?

Merry-go-round, merry-go-round
round and round you go,
up and down, always the same,
and you will never change.