I dont know what i've done now
I'm on the verge of crying
On the edge wondering why

I have one foot off the edge now
Feeling the wind push me farther forward,
I cant believe I hurt you
When your the one I loved most

And now I cant turn back time
And to this day I ask myself why
Why didnt I just walk away
So i'd still be with you today

I regret some things and
I know theres things you wanna say
I cant believe I lied to them, I lied to them about you
I lied to you about them

I want to hold you now
Feel your breath
Hear your sounds
Feel the one thing I never got to feel
I wished for it every day and I still do
The touch of our lips together
I know it will never happen now
I made a mistake I ripped my heart and yours
I should have held on tighter

I'm closing my eyes now
The cuttings began again
The wind has its hand on my back its pushing me over now
Im sorry
Im sorry
Im sorry
Im sorry!

Forgive me
Just please dont forget me
Keep me in your heart forever
I'll do the same for you
Your my best friend
And my first love
And always my only true heart

In my heart you'll always stay
Dont throw me away

What im really trying to say is..
This distance sucks and it turned me away
And now I cry at night wondering why
Theres nothing I can do to fix this.

But I wish I could just make everything right.