Come With Me

Why do You say the world is dull?
That every single days the same?
That, though you wish for something more,
You know that things will never change?
There's nothing farther from the truth!
There is so much out there to see!
Come on-I'll show, if you like;
Just take my hand and come with me.

Why do you say there's nothing here?
There's always wonder's, everywhere!
In every inch of sky and space;
In all the water, earth and air!
They're part of life. They're out there. So
Get off the couch, put down your book
And go find some. They're there, all right -
Sometimes you have to just go look.

But your right-some are far away
The ones you have to work to find.
And because of this, Those one ares
The brightest, most amazing kind.
They're hidden in the deepest sea's
They're scattered through the earth and sky
And even farther-out in space
They're in the stars that shine in high.

Each star represents a promise
And while even just one shines through
Their promise remains unbroken.
They're shining there for me and you.
So, come-let's go! There's stuff to do
There's life to live and world's to see.
The universe is in your grasp!
Just take my hand-and come with me!