I Carry Your Sin

The frothy waves pound
Against defenseless shores
In all their fury.
Their anger saddens me.
Why do they fight?
Perhaps I can atone
For the wickedness of my race.
I take a deep breath,
Feeling it wash through me.
My heart slows,
As if it can sense it will be
Stopped soon;
There's no point to a battle
That will be lost.
The water is cold
And it stings my skin
As it sucks me into
Its embrace.
I open my eyes
In the greenish gloom
As the waves roar far above me.
The red lines on my arms
Seem to shine
In the watery grave.
I can feel myself
Letting go,
There is no shame
To honerable surrender.
The last thing I see
Is how how the sunlight
Filters down,
Through the blue glass waves.
The waves carry my body
Gently back to the sand,
But my mind will rest here