
I feel the darkness dancing upon the lines in my hand
As my feet begin to leave the serenity upon the land
And I float higher upon these broken wings I made
With the breath from the forgotten things that shall soon fade

I can feel the world float away as I inch closer and closer to the sky
Where I can finally find the region where the echoes of light lie
And capture it within my hand, to offset the disease of the night
As it suffocated slowly the somber realities slithering into my sight

Wings of black, wings of white, perhaps now I can entrench myself in the sky
And capsize the dreams of those who have been fortunate enough to die
Whilst the woeful night begins the eternal winter for the broken and fallen heart
Its lips being sown to a tight as night befalls the hours to which the sun shall part

As I fly along the words of the rose petals unheard to the ears below
With my tormenting wings of gray and silver, these wings reap as they sew
Their cacophony crushes any hope remaining of relinquishment to this darkness
As more and more my body goes numb and I feel less and less

Wings of blue and skies of black, why am I so filled with dread
As I empty my tears upon the sky and allow the sky and tears to wed
Watching below with great grief, as I know I shall never return to the below
I cannot breathe the air of the only love I thought I had ever wanted to know

And now as I wonder why I feel so empty on the inside of my soul
I see now, what these wings of red have done to take their toll
As they paint across the sky my inner red, I fall down into this dream
Flying along these endless strings of my heart, hoping not to tear a seam

I cannot see your face, and I cannot hope to hear your voice
Yet, I can see the stones you put in place because you had no choice
But to let me go and allow me to fade into the mist above this world
And now as I hear the name, I no longer wonder why my heart is so cold

Wings of purple and yellow, these memories flood into me like a wave
Soon enough, they shall exit me like blood from a wound, none of which I can save
As I continually decompose in this worthless rain of my own creation
And you neglect these reasons why you felt it needed to shatter the union

Waves of amber, wings of lies, perhaps you can see the pouring rain
As I free the catacombs of water upon the you in the midst of your pain
So perhaps the water can preserve the reflections within it forever
And show me the connections that you continually attempt to sever

Wings of ash, as I dissipate in the horizons above the clouds
Waiting patiently for the darkness to cover me in its shroud
So then I can await the arrival of dawn with the snow of my eyes
Waiting forever, for this damnation within my life to die.