Summer's Peak

The sun is gone,
The clouds roll in.
Looking up at the sky, the trees.
The changes begin.
Now a crisp,
Cool morning.
A breezy afternoon.
The harsh,
Chill nights.
Summer's doom.

Fall is here,
All the leaves start to change.
Then fall,
Like seasons past.
Another year,
Gone so fast.
And this is,
A day of lasts.

Last day to sit.....And do nothing for hours.
Last day to smile, and listen to the laughter.
Last day to listen, you can afford the time.
Last day of summer, the greatest....Greatest time.

Not so sad,
For tomorrow...
Is a day of beginnings.

Begin the friendships, That may blossom over the year.
Begin the love, that could rise in the air.
Begin the hardships, that build us up to who we are.
Begin the next year, Fresh...

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so ready for school tomorrow...
And so ready for summer at the end haha!!