Mother Nature

Breath that exudes from lips
like sap from hallowed trees
and like the curves that line her hips
carved by wind and water.

She stands taller than mountains
her bright eyes filled with stars
and overflowing with formations
of diamond aqua tears.

Her hair is of the grassy fields
that trail twin paths along the earth,
ground that white flowers yield,
created from the seeds of birth.

Her close friend is named the moon
and her father is the sun.
Father says don't see him
But she and the moon are one.

When winter takes her colors,
when spring ignites her hope,
when summer flourishes the lovers,
and fall beckons the death of earth.

She will remain like the mountains
carved by the air and sea.
She will continue to fan
her grassy lands with breeze.

While her lover the moon
carasses the oceans from afar
encouraging the waves to swoon
and rise to breathe as lungs once more.