Just Hold On A Little Longer

I know,
It seems like you have no choice.
And I know,
You think no one cares.
But reality is funny.
Even though you lost hope in people,
They didn't loose hope in you.
Suicide isn't the answer.
Trust me,
I've been there,
Thinking similar things.
But you leave behind,
So many people.
they may not show it on a daily basis,
Because they may believe you're okay.
But if you reach out,
Or even wait just a little longer,
Your life can be turned around.
When you take your life,
You leave behind a
Line of confusion.
Forever is just two weeks,
And never is the same.
Just wait that long.
Just hold on a little longer.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to my friend Alex who thought death was his only option. RIP Alex, may you find in death the peace that was held from you in life.