Finally Happy

I remember me now
I was so mean and evil and fowl
Two baby blue eyes saw this and looked at me

I will always know
How my soul was so low
Two hands felt this and reached for me

I still feel shadows of the black
Behind my back
Two feet sensed this and walked towards me

I can still taste depression amongst me
Changing me from who I want to be
A body knew this and shielded me

I still hear darkness and dread
Swimming around and around in my head
A mouth could taste this and it kissed me

I wanted to talk about my feelings inside
I didn't ever have another emotion to hide
Two ears heard this and listened to me

Nothing could ever beat the day
When I gave my heart away
To the boy who always protected me
And helped me see
The best part of this besides never loving darkness and the black
Is that the same boy gave his heart back
♠ ♠ ♠
For any of those who haven't found someone, I truly believe you will

Good luck to you all and those who do have someone, treat them well