The Ocean and Effulgent Moon

Send me away from this transient hell
That accompanies me when left to dwell
In this prison that is my earthly life,
Waiting for Death's mighty, proverbial knife
To claim this hollowed soul you carved apart,
Destroying my dreams with your evil heart.
You say you loved me, yet you took away
All of my trust when you said you would stay
And weather this tempestuous affair
That neither one can continue to bear;
Yet like the ocean and effulgent moon,
We are forever bound as one to swoon
With the waves of our turbulent embrace,
Rising, falling in rhyme with our heart's pace.
Your lucid eyes, that shine into my soul,
Only bring me back into this sorrow
Surrounding me with your deceiving kiss
Sealing my fate with only loneliness,
And yet I long to feel that hurt, that pain
As long as just a piece of you remains
Inside of me to keep, cherish, adore
With everything I have to give and more.
So let me leave this transient hell and see
The one who's both a joy and agony,
Who is the moon, and I, the ocean waves,
Forever basking in her lunar rays.