Whose afraid Of the Big Bad Wolf?

He came into her short, unimportant life
when she thought of ending it with the blade of a knife.
A wolf amongst a herd of sheep.
She was neither, she was lost. she was...Red.
She didn't fear his advances, she thrived on them.
somebody wanted her to be okay.
she welcomed him into her life,
and everyone knew she had one
but no one really knew..Her secret.

He was her wolf, a predator in the eyes of many
she was his Red riding Hood. lost in a forest, trying to get out.
I love you left their lips. Then he kissed her. She never meant to..
Fall for a Wolf. One already claimed. One everyone warned her about.
But how can you choose who you fall for?
Especially a dark, debonair Wolf..

She was in Love with her best friend.
In Love with A beast... poor stubborn, naive Red.
She gave him everything. Her heart. Her soul. Her Innocence.
Stupid girl.

They knew they were Star Crossed Lovers
their friendship couldn't last
but when it ended, The Wolves true colors showed.
He took her heart. shredded it with fangs of cruelty.
her took her soul, and her belief and her faith.

He left with the taste of her kiss, a memory on his lips.
He left with the innocence she so willingly gave him.
the accomplishment of a lover half his age.
he left with everything.
she was left with the realization that he was really a wolf. a Beast.