I'm Better

The knife...
Stabbed so deeply,
You both planned this.
Planned on ruining my life.
It hurt deeply,
Deeper than anyone has ever back stabbed me before,
I rejected you,
Both of you,
From my life.
Then the two of you have the audacity to contact me!
Where was your common sense?
Where were my best friends when I needed them most?
You were wrapped up in each other.
Once she was my best friend,
A woman I could rely on,
Once you were my boy friend,
A man that I loved,
Once I stepped away to focus on my real life,
You started going out.
You had no more care for me.
When I lost a friend to over-dosing,
Got caught up in the law,
Lost myself in pain,
You turned your backs,
Looked away,
Laughed at me,
Made death threats,
Made me feel alone,
I relied on my TRUE friends to make me whole again,
To make a sense of why I was living,
The cuts on my arms?
Those are real.
Why are they there?
Because you both didn't know how to apologize,
Didn't know what saracasm was,
Had no idea what common sense could be,
Truly its because you made me suicidal,
You harassed me,
Pressured me,
Stalked me,
Even made an occasional death threat at me,
She gave me dirty looks,
Made snide comments at me,
Started rumors,
And just like you,
Made death threats.
'Just die already.'
'No one loves you.'
'Take that gun, do us a favor, and kill yourself.'
That's what you told me.
Well guess what.
I was brought back.
My life is stronger than you both!
My friends told me not to fret,
Not to let you get to me,
Not to let either one of you see the tears,
The pain,
That you caused me,
It would've meant that you won.
At first you did.
At first.
Then I came back.
Pain cut so deep that I was ready to murder.
I calmed down though.
Thought things through.
Talked to some people.
I smiled,
I became better.
Don't bother me with your senseless beings,
and immaturity.
I'm perfectly happy with who I'm surrounded with now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes this is true. This is what happened over the course of this week, and I really needed it to come off my chest.