My Poor Heart

It takes pain to break the heart,
And a few hard blows to tear it completely apart.

Broken beyond repair,
Burned over the fierce fire's glare.

It was once loving and sweet,
And now it's been forced to retreat.

One step back at a time,
Wondering what was its crime.

Being punished for things it didn't do,
And about the whereabouts of the road of healing it has no clue.

Going down several roads then finding out they were wrong,
Weakens the hope of finding the right one before long.

The way is long and dark,
And my only hope is that far away spark.

One step to the front it tries,
But it's hurt once more with a lot of lies.

Everything turns against it,
And it's breaking once again bit by bit.

Hurt and bruised, that's my poor heart,
Everything it tries, and every time it's back at the point of start.