The land of the rising sun

There was a house in old
New O,
Where as a child
I had fun.
But the whole damn place
fell around me,
and I lived, with knives
And guns.

The gamblers
were murderers
and their friends,
became wives.
the only law,
of that whole damn land,
was tooth for a tooth,
and knife for a knife.

I cigarette was gold,
but the gold, sir,
was mine.
We all walked the land's streets,
Putting ourselves
on the line.

My friends and I
well we got by,
taking names
and kicking heads,
but it the end, new friends,
we all just end
up dead.

the perks of the land
of the rising sun,
are not the best things,
nor are they guns.
The sun is always up,
and we always have fun.
And even if we
all die someday,
there is always a will,
and there's always
a way.