Misdirected anger

Don't bitch at me,
I'm the wrong guy.
you're flapping your lips,
but in the end of it why?
So you're poor,
I am too.
So you're hurt,
I'm singing the blues.
You've got your problems,
haven't we all?
I'm not the source,
and yet you call.

I don't build roads,
bumpy they may be.
I don't educate,
why can't you see?
I don't audit taxes.
Do you do that stuff?
So why bitch to me, man,
I've had enough!

Don't bitch at me,
I've got no control.
I a smoker, a drinker,
and sixteen years old.
You don't like the union?
I'm sure they hate you too.
Least you're not working mill towns,
With nothing else to do.
You don't like the executive,
why am I to blame.
How can I be cheating,
when I don't play that game?