She Doesn’t Dream

Dreams of fire and ice
They burn and scar
Her dreams can be evil

Happy ends are made by Disney
They are not true, they are pretend
Not everyone can live happily ever after

We all can’t be the good guy
That hero that never grows old
This isn’t a movie, it’s my dream

I had a dream last night
But the one person who made it out
Lived forever unhappy ever after

I dreamed he fall told his friend to get help
The friend yelled a scream but
No one in the large crowd move

He died. The friend’s cries were the last thing he heard
Why don’t I call it a nightmare?
Because dreams like this remind

They remind me that life,
Has to be lived to use
My dreams left me thinking

They never end
Even when I go back to bed
I’m left with an open ending

Disney didn’t make this one
Maybe that’s why it stinks
I dream fine and sleep well
I wake happily,
Some what,
I just want to think of the perfect ending

True I do end them sadly
I like it that way because it makes me happy
Happy to be alive