Forget it and live

I don't know what I feel,
My life isn't what it seems,
I just need a break,
I want to let go.
I want my heart to race.

I wanna forget that 'crush'.
I wanna feel a rush.
I don't want to care.
I don't wanna remember.

Is it a bad thing,
To not want to give a damn.
Is it me being selfish?
I'm sick of being self-less.

I just want a day for me.
No complications,
No heartache or trouble for me.

I want to live a little.
Before life stops giving me chances.
I wanna grab this moment,
I want to live all I want.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it's not my best...
I'm writing after months!! had a terrible case of writers block and now I'm still not fully over it =/
Am working on it and I wanted this to not be sad and soppy or whatever...
Noticed that everything I write is always dripping with sadness. So tried my best (which is really quite pathetic) haha! Well, read and comment my loves :)