I wanna Know

I wanna know what makes it all so damn funny.
I wanna know why everyone thinks they can change you.

Why they think they can just push you around?
Why they think you won't fight back or ever explode?
Why they think you don't care?
Why they think it's all a big joke?

I wanna know why it's so funny.
I wanna know why bullying people, and trying to change them,
is fun.

I wanna know why everyone thinks it's funny.
I wanna know why everyone thinks nothing is going to happen.

How come they don't think you'll commit suicide?
How come they don't think you'll harm yourself?

They say they don't care, but guess what,
It won't look good when everyone finds out they're the one,
the one who caused you to take your own life,
the one who caused you to give up,
the one who made your life end so young.

I wanna know how everyone is so on board for all this, yet
it still goes on everyday?

I wanna know why people think they can change you?
I wanna know why people won't just accept you?

Because they think it's weird?
Because they think it's a sin?
Because they think it's against god?
Because they think it's stupid?
Because they're stupid?

Because no one understands.

You can't just change.

The life chooses you.

Sometimes you don't have a choice.

Except when it comes to them.

They don't matter, and never will.

When it comes to suicide, you always have a choice.

And if they think you should die, who cares? They can have their own opinion.
I know it hurts, but let's prove them wrong. We can make this stop. We can let this end.
We can end it now. Tell everyone, prove them wrong.
You can do this.
You will make it.

You will live.